7.B Mezinárodní projekt- Mystery Country 1. část
E-twinningový projekt MYSTERY COUNTRY pokračuje. Tentokrát se do něj zapojila 7.B.
Zde si můžete pročíst, jak naše setkání s patnerskou třídou z cizí země probíhalo. Třída se nám opět rozdělila na skupiny a každý behěm online setkání pracovat na něčem jiném.
Naše skupina "reporters- zpravodajů" celou akci zaznamenala takto:
On the 29th of November, we started a new international project Mystery Country! After we connected with our partner country, we asked the first question. In total, we asked 9 to 10 questions. We were divided into groups, some asked the questions, some answered, and some worked with the maps. In the end, we found out that the country on the other end is Italy! We enjoyed the project very much! And we are excited about the next part of the project.